Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Dustin Harbin on TCDS
Monday, June 20, 2011
R.C. Harvey on Richard Thompson and Cul de Sac
Stay tooned,
R.C. Harvey
For comics news and reviews, profusely dosed with cartooning history and lore, beam up to www.RCHarvey.com, where our online magazine, Rants & Raves, is posted every two or three weeks.
More art will be shown soon!
Friday, June 17, 2011
D-Day means Fox de Sac thanks to Bill Amend


Ok, everybody. Here it is, deadline day. I know a lot of people have been calling, emailing, printing and packaging to get their artwork here by today. Please don't worry if it isn't here yet. I have plenty to keep me busy for the next few days, and if your package comes Monday, Tuesday or at some point in the next week, you will still make it into the project. And if you haven't heard from me whether your package has made it, maybe you could see it in the picture. Wow. Just--wow.
Joe Sutliff donates to TCDS

Joe sent us this very wonderful piece of art! he also had a few worlds about Richard. Enjoy! |
John K. Snyder III paints for TCDS

John K. Snyder III is on of the best cover illustrators in the comic world. We are very lucky to have him do this great rendition of Alice. Thank you John!
Dustin Harbin hangs out with Dill

Jan Eliot serves TCDS some Stone Soup

Rina Piccolo waits on Petey

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Deadlines and being overwhelmed!
Rick Detorie is always there.

Rick has been such a supporter of ours from the start. This art shows you just how amazing an artist he is and what a wonderful man. Rick thank you so much for your support to TCDS and the friendship to Richard and myself. Rick ad a few words about Richard:
Richard Thompson draws funny.
By that I mean his drawings, with their loopy lines, scritchy scratchings, and omnifarious orbs, coalesce to form characters whose faces seem to have been channeled from ancient Inuit totems (or the lavatory wall of the Kerrville, Texas, Dairy Queen). They’re stand alone funny. You don’t even have to absorb the gag to be tickled silly.
But when you take these quirky characters, who are as familiar to us as members of our own family, (Come now, who doesn’t know a diffident Peter or an audacious Alice? Can someone hand me a mirror, please?), and place them in a whimsical world that’s really quite mundane, until soggy clumps of it are probed with precision by a masterful cartoonist who transforms them into tiny cluster bombs of insightful hilarity, then you get the magic that is “Cul de Sac.”
And it’s just so damn wonderful.
Rick Detorie is the cartoonist responsible for the comic strip “One Big Happy.” He is also author of the YA novel “The Accidental Genius of Weasel High.”
Hilary Price joins TCDS!

I met Hilary last year at OSU and I think she is so talented . Her strip always makes me laugh and makes me wish I had a tenth of her wit. Rhymes with Orange is it!
Mark Tatulli LIO Teaser!

I met Mark a few weeks ago in Boston and I think he is such an entertaining and smart and and and . It was such a treat to hang out with him. Mark thank you for being such a supporter of TCDS and for now this is a tease of the upcoming Sunday strip of LIO!
Carolyn Belefski says the Otterloops needs a date night!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Big Nate + Cul de Sac= Love

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Dave McDonald's TCDS contribution
Cartoonist & Teaching Artist
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Bill Mitchell's contribution
From: Bill Mitchell
I've attached some snap shots of my contribution to the Team Cul De Sac auction. On Friday I received a very nice note from Caty Neis informing me that she'd gotten my package and that I would be published in your book! I'm very pleased to know I'll be included. I had thought that I might not make the cut - mainly because the thing is a paper sculpture and not as easily scanned (photographed) and a flat illustration.
Mike here - I think this is very cool too, and I'll be bidding on it (which shouldn't dissuade anyone because I have honestly liked EVERYTHING sent in so far, and can't afford it all).
B.C. art for Team Cul De Sac
Mason Mastroianni has always been passionate about art. Born with one of those rare artistic gifts, Mason was seldom seen without pen and paper as a child. Growing up, Mason worked to hone and test his talent by entering and winning many local and state art competitions.
Mason attended illustration courses at the Rhode Island School of Design and then enrolled in The DAVE School (Digital Animation and Visual Effects) in Orlando. Upon graduation, he took a position as a CG animator in Minneapolis. Mason's work at Wet Cement Productions earned the company an Emmy award for computer graphic animation.
Mason's combination of raw talent and early exposure to the cartooning world through his grandfather, Johnny Hart, made him by far the best candidate to carry on the comic strip, B.C.
Jamie King's Alice and her awesomeness
Jamie is one of the most amazing artist/designers I have met. She is also one of the best business partners and friends I could ever ask for. This was a nice surprise for me. She has been wonderful during all of the TCDS madness. Thank you Jamie for always being there for me and all of the madness.
Jamie was thrilled to meet Richard a couple of weeks ago and was very inspired by him. In her words:
"I went through a lot of ideas, but finally settled on oil pastel. They tend to take on a childish quality which I thought could be appropriate. I chose to depict alice, because I like her attitude she gets sometimes. And I put crayons on the table to suggest my own artistic frustration.:-)"Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Heroes Con Drink and Draw pictures
Drink and Draw Social Club art

Captain Jack by Tom Zahler.

Roger Langridge's Burping.

Lois Lane by Thom Zahler

Nude by ? - let us know!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Heroescon update!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Richard Thompson featured in Charlotte Observer
By Mark Washburn
Saturday, Jun. 04, 2011