Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflecting on 2012

Chris Sparks here,with only hours left in 2012, I wanted to send a note thanking  the contributors, auction winners, book buyers, donors, cheerleaders,all of the fine folks at the Michael J Fox Foundation, anyone I forgot to mention and of course Richard Thompson.

From that moment, the wheels were turning and with Richards blessing Team Cul de Sac started in 2010 with a donation to Team Fox for $50.00 from me to start Team Cul de Sac.

In 2011, we sold prints signed by Richard, TCDS t-shirts and had a drink and draw evening at Heroescon . We raised over four thousand dollars.

This year we had many ways to raise money for Michael J Fox Foundation. We had a wonderful auction, the book was released, a drink and draw and Heroescon, donations from Sparking Design who donated money from book sales from our website, the TCDS fanzine, we even had a few signed copies by Richard, Bill and Nick. Also a bunch of folks donated money to Team Cul de Sac.

My favorite moments for Team Cul de Sac in 2012:

Opening the advance copies of the book in May!  This was a very satisfying moment seeing everything coming together.

Meeting or receiving emails from friends, family members and folks with Parkinson’s. Their love and friendship made this journey so meaningful.

Sneak peak of the book to the contributors and other cartoonists and the NCS awards in Las Vegas.
I signed the first copy of Team Cul de Sac to Michael J Fox and I attended the MJFF Gala in NYC. A special thank you goes to Katy Robbins Reitz for all of her hard work at Team Fox.

Engineering a Bill Watterson and Richard Thompson gathering. Without a doubt, two of the greatest cartoonists to spill ink on paper. Fun times for all.

I had my first book signing with Richard and having over ten other TCDS contributors at One More Page in Arlington VA.

Watching the end of the auction unfold and amazed by the money we made!

Having Jennifer my wife, Emily my daughter and my business partner Jamie, at the book signing at Politics and Prose in Washington DC.

Being a guest at Heroescon (plus drink and draw for Team Cul de Sac) and being a guest at Baltimorecon and the Harvey Awards. FUN times and great support from so many people!

Meeting contributors throughout the year and knowing we will have made over $100.000 with the matching funds this year.  

Thank you to everyone who made this year a success and raising awareness for Parkinson’s research. Big thanks to Craig,Katy,Mike(s),Nick Bill and Richard. 

Much love and admiration,

Stay tuned to our blog and facebook page for news on upcoming news!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Dec 2: JK Snyder III at Capicons convention

Baltimore artist John K Snyder III is appearing at Capicons on December 2.

John did a lovely page in the Team Cul de Sac book, so you should buy a copy and have him sign it. He's appearing on behalf of Hero Initiative charity.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Keeping up with Cyborg Richard Thompson's treatment part 5

First message from Richard Thompson post-brain surgery!:

"Hey guys, you gotta ret this. It's delightful."

Okay, the latest is that RT is resting comfortably, more alert than you think - more for you tomorrow.

Thank you so much for the warm thoughts and kind words...he will see and hear all of it, I promise.

New Update: Richard Thompson was moved to his room, finally and had an otherwise uneventful night and a good breakfast this morning. Strength in the extremities is good, he's alert, his voice is still very soft and he can only speak in rhymes. The last part I made up.

If all continues to evolve smoothly, he will be, remarkably, released later today.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Keeping up with Cyborg Richard Thompson's treatment part 4

Nick Galifianakis wrote at about 5 pm:

Richard is doing well enough to be released from the recovery room but there isn't a room available for him yet in the neuro ICU.

His vitals are all good (although he keeps setting off the low-heart-rate alarm because he has the resting heartrate of a hibernating whale). He's hungry but they haven't signed off on him having solids yet. Ginger ale is the only treat.

He currently looks like a Buddhist monk.

Meanwhile, Amy Thompson says:

Richard is awake and looks a little bit like a very skinny Dalai Lama. One of the first things he told me (other than it was the weirdest thing he'd ever been through) was that the neurosurgeon told him he had a very active thalamus. We think that's a good thing.

Keeping up with Cyborg Richard Thompson's treatment part 3

Here's a cartoon Richard drew while people were poking his brain with a stick. We'll get a better scan of it soon--this was taken with a cellphone and is pretty blurry.

Re: Keeping up with Cyborg Richard Thompson's treatment

Another Cartoonist Brain Update:

Surgery started at 9:35. Richard is conscious (yoicks!) and doing great; they're testing as they go, and everything is good so far. They are about to start on the second hemisphere. The next update will probably include comments from the surgeon.

For those of you that have not had this kind of brain surgery: Richard is having a chip implanted in his brain in hopes of greatly alleviating his Parkinson's symptoms. Because everyone is different, his brain must be "listened to" and monitored while they search for just the right spot for maximum impact.

More later...
and Amy, Richard's wife has reported now that he's out of surgery, and "Everything went great!"

Keeping up with Cyborg Richard Thompson's treatment

Cartoonist Nick Galifianakis is one of Richard's best and oldest friends and is with him today during the surgery. Nick's posting updates on Facebook about Richard's treatment today:
I try and keep this a "cartoons only" site. And since my pal, Richard Thompson, one of the giants in my field, is having brain surgery today, I'll stray a tiny bit to periodically update folks on his condition.
As of a few minutes ago:
Head shaved, halo attached, been through MRI, unconscious, surgeon about to scrub in.
The doctor agreed to let him draw a cartoon during surgery while they're testing out the placement of the electrodes. I told Richard to think of something worthy of posterity, as it will certainly be historic.
It will be posted on his blog ASAP, of course.
He has not yet put a hankie on his head and has told the brain specialist that his "brain hurts."
More later....

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki Challenge

I just wanted folks to read this about the MJFF
Yes,Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki is matching our funds. So what does that mean? Team Cul de Sac has made 50k this year and it will be matched! So TCDS with the help of Sergey Brin and Anne Wojcicki challenge will have raised over $100,000 for the MJFF!!!

Please donate here!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lio and The Buckets pay tribute to Cul de Sac

Lio and The Buckets pay tribute this weekend to Cul de Sac, which ends today.

Thanks to Master Ibid for the tip.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cul de Sac replaced by Grand Avenue

As Richard Thompson ends his strip, we'll see more of these articles, but Grand Avenue won with 22 votes.  See your vote does matter!

Briefs: Grand Avenue is new AD comic
September 19, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Baltimore Comic-Con 2012 pictures

I only took a few pictures this year, but here's some photographs of Team Cul de Sac members as well as cosplayers at Baltimore Comic-Con - groups that rarely mingle thankfully. Who knows what kind of children would result...

You can hear the Team Cul de Sac panel here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Carolyn & Joe Show podcast -- Audio from Team Cul de Sac panel

Recorders! We all had recorders!  Well, actually Carolyn and I did - you can try to put together the panel in stereo now.
BRAND NEW Carolyn & Joe Show podcast -- Audio...
Carolyn Belefski 12:00pm Sep 11
BRAND NEW Carolyn & Joe Show podcast -- Audio from 'Team Cul de Sac' panel at Baltimore Comic-Con 2012 featuring Chris Sparks, Steve Conley, Dawn Griffin, Donna A. Lewis, Joe Sutliff, Roger Langridge, Shannon Gallant, Matt Dembicki, Carolyn Belefski, Moderated by Michael Rhode
Team Cul de Sac Panel at Baltimore Comic-Con 2012
EPISODE 191 The Carolyn and Joe Show has been invaded by the alien conqueror Zarvox again! Zarvox ev...

2 copies left of a special TCDS SIGNED by BILL WATTERSON

Richard Thompson, Bill Watterson, Nick Galifianakis and I signed 5 Team Cul de Sac books. For details, email me at I will not ask Bill Watterson to sign any more TCDS books to raise money for us. I want this to be a very limited opportunity to own a signed book by Mr. Watterson and Mr. Thompson and help us raise money for TCDS.
Thank you,
Chris Sparks

Monday, September 10, 2012

Team Cul de Sac panel at Politics and Prose bookstore (July 11, 2012)

Team Cul de Sac panel at Politics and Prose bookstore (July 11, 2012)
Chris Sparks & Team Cul-De-Sac - Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinson's
Jul 11 2012 7:00 pm

Richard Thompson, the Cul de Sac cartoonist, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2009 and began working with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to raise awareness of this illness. Chris Sparks organized Team Cul de Sac, which has solicited work from various graphic artists including Bill Watterson and Gary Trudeau, the proceeds of which have benefited Team Fox, the Foundation's fundraising arm.

Chris Sparks and Nick Galifianakis speak before the book-signing.

Team Cul de Sac panel audio at Baltimore Comic Con

I recorded the Team Cul de Sac session and it's online at the Internet Archive. You can download it or listen from the site.

"When Richard Thompson, the creator of the comic strip Cul de Sac, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, his friend Chris Sparks began a fundraising effort to honor his friend. With Richard's support, he asked others to donate artwork featuring the Cul de Sac characters for a Team Cul de Sac book with proceeds going to The Michael J. Fox Foundation For Parkinson's Research. Now, join Chris Sparks and other members of Team Cul de Sac including Steve Conley, Matt Dembicki, SL Gallant, Roger Langridge, and others as they discuss the book, Richard Thompson's work, and their continuing efforts to raise funds in Richard's name." - from the program book. The panel also included Carolyn Belefski, Dawn Griffin, Donna Lewis, Joe Sutliff and was moderated by Mike Rhode.

Team Cul de Sac pictures from Baltimore Comic Con

Bruce Guthrie has put his photographs of the Team Cul de Sac panel online at
And Chris Sparks accepting the Harvey award for best syndicated coic strip on behalf of Richard Thompson are here:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Richard Thompson wins a Harvey award

Richard Thompson has won the Harvey Award for the best syndicated comic strip. It was presented tonight at the Baltimore Comic Con.
Photo by Chris Sparks who accepted the award on Richard's behalf.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Team Cul de Sac LIVE!!!! at Baltimore Comic-Con

Baltimore Comic-Con
Saturday Sept. 8
Room 302-303

11:00-12:00 - Team Cul de Sac

When Richard Thompson, the creator of the comic strip Cul de Sac, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, his friend Chris Sparks began a fundraising effort to honor his friend. With Richard's support, he asked others to donate artwork featuring the Cul de Sac characters for a Team Cul de Sac book with proceeds going to The Michael J. Fox Foundation For Parkinson's Research. Now, join Chris Sparks and other members of Team Cul de Sac including Steve Conley, Matt Dembicki, SL Gallant, Roger Landgridge, Michael Cavna and others as they discuss the book, Richard Thompson's work, and their continuing efforts to raise funds in Richard's name."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Peter Dunlap-Shohl on Team Cul de Sac

PD-S is another cartoonist who suffers from Parkinson's disease, and was an early contributor to Team Cul de Sac...

A "Heart-on-His-Sleeve-Southerner" Does Serious Damage to my Cynical Side

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

RC Harvey appreciates Richard Thompson and Team Cul de Sac's 93%

On Richard Thompson and Cul de Sac
BY R.C. Harvey Aug 22, 2012

Meanwhile, Team Cul de Sac's money has flowed in and we're a mere $3,300 from meeting the goal... which reminds me, I owe some money to the campaign.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Articles on Cul de Sac's end

Richard Thompson ends 'Cul de Sac' comic

By Michael Cavna

Washington Post Comic Riffs blog August 17 2012


Parkinson's forces creator of 'Cul de Sac' comic to retire
Richard Thompson of the strip 'Cul de Sac' battles Parkinson's.
The Kansas City Star August 17 2012

Parkinson's forces 'Cul de Sac' creator to call it quits
Deseret News Friday, Aug. 17 2012

Cul de Sac: A Special Q&A with creator Richard Thompson
John Glynn
August 17 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Steve and Kathy Artley's photographs of TCDS signing

Steve and Kathy Artley have photographs of the Team Cul de Sac signing at Politics and Prose online now. Steve is a political cartoonist who contributed to the book and auction.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Team Cul de Sac signing at Politics and Prose

101_4104 Last night's signing brought out about 18 cartoonists - some pictures can be seen here.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Team Cul de Sac TONIGHT at Politics and Prose

Tonight at 7 pm in Washington DC's Politics and Prose, we'll have a gaggle of cartoonists from the book. The list includes:
Thompson, Richard                        
Sparks, Chris                                     
Artley, Steven                                                                                  
Auger, Michael                                                                                
Belefski, Carolyn        

Boris, Daniel                     
Cavna, Michael          

Conroy, John    
Corsetto, Danielle                 
Dale, Barbara 
Dunlap-Shohl, Peter                   
Galifianakis, Nick
Gallant, Shannon
Johnson, Kerry G.    
King, Jamie                       
Lewis, Donna A.               
Lunsford, Annie                               
Mitchell, Bono
Sutliff, Joe                          
Wuerker, Matt

Monday, July 9, 2012

Surprise addition to Wednesday DC book signing

From Peter Dunlap-Shohl:  "I will be able to make it to the Politics and Prose signing, and look forward to meeting all who show up."

Peter lives in Anchorage, Alaska but amazingly will be at Politics and Prose this Wednesday night!  And unfortunately, he's also a cartoonist with Parkinson's disease. Come out and support the Team with Peter.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

TCDS at Heroescon in Charlotte NC

I met Richard Thompson at heroescon in 2008. It changed my life for the better. Richard won't be there this year but a bunch of contributors from the book will be and so will I. Come by and celebrate the greatest comic con in that world. This is the 30th year of Heorescon. DO NOT MISS IS! come by and say hi!

I will be at the Heroes Convention in Charlotte, NC this weekend (June 22-24). We will have plenty of Team Cul de Sac books at (AA-218) and a beautiful print for Team Cul de Sac Celebrating Heroescon by ROGER LANGRIDGE (AA-220), NICK GALIFiANAKIS is the lucky guy beside me at (AA-219) We will have a print of his contribution to Team Cul de Sac.SL GALLANT (AA-828),DANIELLE CORSETTO (AA-420),EVAN DORKIN (AA-517),DUSTIN HARBIN ( AA-419),CHRIS SCHWEIZER (AA-431) get your book signed by all of these great contributors! We also have a panel on Friday at 4:00pm
More news? Maybe...

Books are still shipping

Hello everyone. I am still shipping books. I have another 15 to ship today and then I will be working on all of the out of the country orders.
If you ordered a book and live outside of the USA, I will be contacting you about the extra shipping.
I am sorry its taken so long. It looks like its going to take me three weeks to get most of the books out.
The good news is I just calculated the book donations from the pre-orders that started in January till the end of March and we raised $1305.00 for the MJFF!  This is the whole reason we wanted to do the online sales plus you get my pretty signature!

Thank you so much. Now come see me this weekend at....

Monday, June 11, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012

Team Cul de Sac auction almost over

Just two days left for original art from the Team Cul de Sac auction!

Sure, by telling you about this, I'm losing more and more of my bids, but it's FOR A GOOD CAUSE!

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 7: Team Cul de Sac booksigning

Sunday, June 10, from 5 - 7 pm. Details here.

Here's the list of cartoonists whom are expected:

Thompson, Richard        

Sparks, Chris                                                                     

Belefski, Carolyn                                                                                             

Boris, Daniel                                                                                      

Cavna, Michael                                                                                                                

Dale, Barbara -                                                                                                                 

Dembecki, Matt                                                                                                              

Gallant, Shannon                                                                                            

Hagen, David                                                                                                    

Johnson, Kerry G                                                                                           

Lewis, Donna A.                                                                                               

Lunsford, Annie                                                                                                                               

Mitchell, Bono                                                                                                  

Sutliff, Joe          

Michael J. Fox on Team Cul de Sac...

Says Michael J. Fox today (with the book due to drop tomorrow): 

"With this amazing collection, Chris [Sparks] is raising significant dollars and awareness for Parkinson's — while proving comedy can speed a cure. We're grateful to have both Chris and Richard on our team."

Michael Cavna
Style Section & "Comic Riffs"
The Washington Post


Friday, May 18, 2012

Wow, the book looks great

The book looks great! I (Mike Rhode) just got a review copy in the mail due to my Washington City Paper column (which I'm sadly behind on contributing to). I won't be reviewing it of course, but I don't think anyone who buys this will be disappointed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

June 10: Team Cul de Sac book launch in Arlington

This store is close to Richard's house, but we won't know if he'll be able to make an appearance until that day.  Other local cartoonists in the book will certainly be there.

One More Page Laughter, Doing Good and Then a Weekend of Murder
Come out with your friends to any/all events!                May 16, 2012


Wed, May 16, 7 pm

Meredith Goldstein - The Singles


Get ready to laugh with your friends when advice columnist and entertainment reporter for The Boston Globe Meredith Goldstein discusses her new book, The Singles.


The Singles"Back in her single days - before she met the man of her dreams - Beth "Bee" Evans hated being forced to attend weddings solo. Determined to spare her friends the same humiliation, she invites everyone on her list with a guest. Much to her chagrin, however, Hannah, Vicki, Rob, Joe, and Nancy insist upon attending Bee's lavish Chesapeake Bay nuptials alone. The frustrated bride dubs them the "The Singles" and their collective decision wreaks unintended havoc on her otherwise perfectly planned wedding weekend."


Thurs, May 17, 6:30 pm

St. Charles Haiti Committee Fundraiser  


Join us for the St. Charles Haiti Committee Fundraiser, featuring a wine and chocolate tasting followed by a discussion of activities supporting the community of Cavaillon in southern Haiti.  


Sample wine and fair trade chocolate while learning about Haiti and the work being done in Cavaillon.  A portion of the evening's proceeds will be donated to the St. Charles Haiti Committee to aid development in Cavaillon and surrounding communities. Click here for details.


Sun, May 20, noon - 2 pm

Calling All Mystery Lovers!


Join us for a party to celebrate the release of This Job is Murder, the 5th installment of the award-winning Chesapeake Crimes anthologies. This anthology features short stories by a number of our favorite Sisters in Crime mystery writers.     


Twelve of the 14 authors whose works appear in the anthology are expected to attend: Donna Andrews, David Autry, Jill Breslau, Karen Cantwell, Leone Ciporin, E.B. Davis, Barb Goffman, Smita Harish Jain, C. Ellett Logan, Shari Randall, Harriette Sackler, and Cathy Wiley.

This event will take place in the WestLee Party room. 

Are you interested...
in a book group for 7-9 year olds?  If so, email us.  Also, let us know what time would be good time to meet.
Upcoming Events and Author Visits
  • Tues, May 22, 7 pm: Spiritual/Philosphy Book Club discusses Just One Thing: Developing A Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time
  • Wed, May 23, 7 pm: Garrett Peck discusses books, The Potomac River: A History and Guide and Prohibition in Washington, DC: How Dry We Weren't
  • Thurs, May 24, 7 pm: Just in time for the 40th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, Max Holland shares from Leak: Why Mark Felt Became Deep Throat.  
  • Mon, May 28, 4:30:  No Kids Book Group due to Memorial Day holiday
  • Wed, May 30, 6:30: Join us for our Educator Appreciation Evening - Click here for details!
  • Thurs, May 31, 7 pm: Ken Budd discusses The Voluntourist: A Six-Country Tale of Love, Loss, Fatherhood, Fate, and Singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem. See the side bar for more info about Ken's book.
  • Sun, June 3 at 3 pm: Amanda Hodgkinson discusses her novel, 22 Britannia Road, a heartbreaking novel about wartime secrets  
  • Thurs, June 7 at 7 pm: Join us for a unique event, The Book as Art, with an artist, Alla Proskuryakova, and author/illustrator and artist, Sallie Lowenstein who have created books that are truly works of art - stay tuned for details! 
  • Fri, June 8 at 11 am:  Author Siobhan Fallon joins our Daytime Book Group to discuss her book, You Know when the Men are Gone  
  • Fri, June 8 at noon: Mysterious Women Who Know their Place -    Former White House staffer, author Karna Bodman; Agatha Award winner Marcia Talley, journalist Ellen Crosby, and award-winner Donna Andrews deconstruct their mystery-thriller books which all feature D.C., VA and MD locales. Mystery fiction scholar/editor Elizabeth Foxwell moderates. PLEASE NOTE: This event is off-site at the American Women Writers National Museum, 1275 K St NW, Suite 102 
  • Fri, June 8 at 7 pm: Patti Dobrowolski joins us to discuss Drawing Solutions: How Visual Goal Setting Will Change Your Life. See side panel for a link to Patti's TEDx talk. 
  • Sat, June 9 at 6 pm:  New York Times Bestselling Author and Screenwriter John Gilstrap invites you to celebrate the publication of his latest thriller, Damage Control at a launch party at One More Page    
  • NEW!!  Sun, June 10 from 5-7 pm: Join us for a special event to celebrate the launch of "Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinson's" to honor award-winning cartoonist Richard Thompson See side panel for details of this event we're so fortunate to host.
  • Wed, June 13, 7 pm:  Daniel Kalla discusses his new book, The Far Side of the Sky    
Remember, in addition to street parking, there is limited retail parking available in the WestLee garage while you are shopping at One More Page.  Follow the store signs to our back door, ring the buzzer and we'll welcome you in.

We are 6 blocks from the East Falls Church Metro!  Go to the right as you exit the Metro station and then go right on 19th Street.  As the road curves, the name changes from 19th street to N. Westmoreland Street. Our store is on the left hand side of the street.  Click here for directions from the Metro or if you are coming by car. 

Please call (703)-300-9746 or Email if you have any questions.  
In This Issue
This Week
New Book Group for Kids?
Upcoming Events
Team Cul de Sac
Authors in the Media
Our Book Groups


(and we're so excited)




On Sunday, June 10, from 5 - 7 pm, Terry is taking over the store for a fundraiser celebration to launch the Team Cul de Sac Collection.


Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinson's contains original artwork from cartoonists and illustrators inspired by the comic strip Cul de Sac, including Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes) and Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury). The originals will be sold at an online auction to raise money for Team Cul de Sac, which is part of the Michael J. Fox Foundation.   


The Tribute Collection comes out June 5 and we'll have them available at the launch event.  Several of the contributors live here in the DC area and will be on hand to sign copies.   


Join us for wine and light snacks to celebrate the launch of the book!  A portion of the day's sales will go to Team Cul de Sac


We love Richard Thompson and Cul de Sac - he was one of the first authors to visit our store - he's amazing!  More details to follow.  Plan to be here - we all will be!     

Upcoming Authors in the Media

 Meredith Goldstein (The Singles) in NY Times
At OMP- Wed, May 16, 7 pm

Ken Budd (The Voluntourist) in the NY Times Travel Section and  his interview on Fox 5.
At OMP- Thurs, May 31, 7 pm

See Patti Dobrowolski's (Drawing Solutions: How Visual Goal Setting Will Change Your Life) TEDx talk
At OMP-Fri, June 8, 7 pm

Our Book Discussion Groups 

Our next Book Club with Jenn is Mon, June 18 at 7 pm when we discuss The Language of Flowers: A Novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.
Please note date change!
The Language of Flowers


Our next Non-Fiction Book Group is Tues, June 12 at 7 pm to discuss Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time by Mark Adams.
Turn Right at Machu Picchu

Don't miss our next Daytime Book Group meeting at 11 am on Friday, June 8.  Author Siobhan Fallon joins us to discuss her book, You Know when the Men are Gone

 You Know When the Men Are Gone

The next meeting for our Mystery/Suspense Book Group is Tues, June 19, when we discuss Ratking (An Aurelio Zen Mystery) by Michael Dibdin.

The next meeting for our Philosophy/Spiritual Book Group is Tues, May 22 when we discuss Just One Thing: Developing A Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time by Rick Hanson.
Quick Links

Follow us on Twitter at justonemorepage

Join us on Facebook: One More Page Books & More

Join Our Mailing List
One More Page | 2200 N. Westmoreland Street | #101 | Arlington | VA | 22213

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Have you ordered your copy?

Team Cul de sac books have been ordered to fill our online orders and all the prepaid shipping envelopes have been ordered. I just need to the books and time. Remember, you can still order your signed copy at
Shipping should start around the beginning of June!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TCDS on Michael J Fox Foundation Blog

A Comic Book for a Cure: How 100+ Famed Cartoonists Came Together to Honor One of Their Own
 by Miranda Lanzillotti on Wednesday, 2 May, 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The MJFF Gala

I need to say a little something about this weekend. Going to New York and meeting people at the MJFF, Team Fox, and so many of the teams was such an emotional weekend. Katy Reitz is the director of Team Fox and her and her wonderful husband are just amazing. I met other teams and folks with Parkinson over the few hours I was there. All I can really say is its not a team, It is family. I am glad they have accepted me with open arms. I am truly a lucky man.
Thanks to everyone who was so supportive of Team Cul de Sac. I love you guys!
Katy Robbins Reitz the director of Team Fox

The Logo

My new friend!
Mr. Fox

Katy rocking the place

Two of the Team Cul de Sac members

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chris Sparks talks Team Cul de Sac

Episode 140 – Chris Sparks
by Tom Racine on March 25, 2012

"Team Cul de Sac" mastermind Chris Sparks joins me to talk about his amazing project to help raise money for Parkinson's Disease via the Team Fox organization, started, of course, by Michael J. Fox.  Cartoonist and all around mensch Richard Thompson was diagnosed with Parkinson's back in 2009, and Chris has organized 150 artists to contribute original work that will be auctioned off this summer, and has been compiled into a 144 page hardcover book coming out on June 5th.  Order your copy here!

The book and art auction contain works from a veritable "who's who" list of cartoonists, including 14 Reuben Award winners, 3 Pulitzer Prize winners, and a score of great artists from the web as well.  There's not much of a worthier cause out there, so do your part by picking up a copy.  You can stay abreast of the current information on when the actual art auction is this summer by reading Chris's blog. And naturally, if you're not keeping up with the man himself, here's a link to Richard Thompson's blog. Go forth and see the work of a master of our time!

We also manage to talk about comic books and comic shops, as Chris once owned one. He has a fascinating insider's look from the "brick and mortar" shop owner's perspective, and is something I've wanted to talk about for some time.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Team Cul de Sac book dust jacket

Here is the dust jacket to the Team Cul de Sac book ( we might have a small change or two)
This has been such an honor to work with everyone involved.
The biggest Thank You goes to Richard Thompson in supporting me in this project. He is a saint to put up with me. Oh yeah order this cool book from me at :

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Team Cul de Sac book Contributor list

Here it is folks!
The List:

Richard Thompson

Amend, Bill
Anderson, Brian

Anderson, Mark
Aragones, Sergio
Artley, Steven
Auger, Michael
Basset, Brian
Belefski, Carolyn
Bell-Lundy, Sandra
Billadeau, Jeremy
Bolling, Ruben
Borgman, Jim
Boris, Daniel
Bratton, Doug
Browne, Chance
Burns, Jean
Carillo, Tony
Cavna, Michael
Clark, David
Cole, Michael
Cole, Tyson
Conley, Steve
Conroy, John
Corsetto, Danielle
Cravens, Greg
Curtis, Stacy
Dale, Barbara
Davis, Nikki and Derek
Davis, Jim
Dembecki, Matt
Detorie, Rick
DiPerri, Nathan
Dodge, Jason
Dorkin, Evan
Duffy, Joe
Dunlap-Shohl, Peter
Eaton, Ken
Eliot, Jan
Evans, Greg
Farrago, Andrew
Faust, Craig
Ferdinand, Ron
Feuti, Norm
Fies, Brian
Fishburne, Tom
Fosgitt, Jay
Galifianakis, Nick
Gallant, Shannon
Gammill, Tom
Garrity, Shaenon
Gilligan, Paul
Grall, Caanan
Griffin, Dawn
Guigar, Brad
Guisewite, Cathy
Hagen, David
Hallatt, Alex
Hambrock, John
Hansen, Frank
Harbin, Dustin
Harrell, Rob
Hatem, Rob
Held, Edward
Hinds, Bill
Holbrook, Bill
Holm, Matt
Janocha, Bill
Jantze, Colette and Michael
Jarrell, Sandy
Johnson, Aaron
Johnson, Ian
Johnson, Kerry G
Johnston, Lynn
Jones, Doug
Juliano, Phil
Keil, Birgit
Kellet, Dave
Kesel, Karl
King, Jamie
Kirkman, Rick
Koford, Adam
Konor, Susan Camilleri
Koutsoutis, Constatine
Krause, Peter
Langridge, Roger
LaRocque, Bill
Lazarus, Mell
Leach, “Tiki” Carol
Lemon, J.
Lewis, Donna A.
Libenson, Terri
Lintula, Samuli
Lopez, Rene
Lotshaw, John
Lunsford, Annie
Mahood, Jonathan
Malki, David
Mallett, Jef
Mastronianni, Mason
Mathias, Don
McDonald, Dave
McDonnell, Patrick
McNutt, Kelly
Mitchell, Bill
Mitchell, Bono
Moynihan, Dan
Oliphant, Patrick
Parisi, Mark
Pastis, Stephan
Peirce, Lincoln
Perry, Charles
Piccolo, Rina
Piro, Stephanie
Pittman, Eddie
Polk, Jerrard K.
Price, Hillary,
Reaves, Eric,
Rempe, Scott
Richmond, Tom
Rolfe, D.M.
Rose, John
Satz, Crowden
Schechner, Chris
Schweizer, Chris
Scott, Jerry
Sikoryak, R.
Sinnott, Adrian C
Snyder III, John K.
Soo, Kean
Sorensen, Jen
Sparks, Chris
Steibel, Robert
Stephens, Jay
Sutliff, Joe
Tallon, Sarah
Tatulli, Mark
Thompson, Dan
Tomaselli, David
Trap, Paul
Trudeau, G.B.
Turnbloom, Lucas
Villena, Jose
Walker, Brian
Walker, James Tim
Walker, Mort
Warnes, Tim
Watterson, Bill
Willems, Mo
Wilson, Emily
Wolfe, Ron
Wuerker, Matt
Yoe, Craig
York, Steve
Zinn, David

Art contributed for the auction, but too late for the book:
Beeler, Nate
Brown, William 
Kallagher, Kevin KAL