Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chris Sparks talks Team Cul de Sac

Episode 140 – Chris Sparks
by Tom Racine on March 25, 2012

"Team Cul de Sac" mastermind Chris Sparks joins me to talk about his amazing project to help raise money for Parkinson's Disease via the Team Fox organization, started, of course, by Michael J. Fox.  Cartoonist and all around mensch Richard Thompson was diagnosed with Parkinson's back in 2009, and Chris has organized 150 artists to contribute original work that will be auctioned off this summer, and has been compiled into a 144 page hardcover book coming out on June 5th.  Order your copy here!

The book and art auction contain works from a veritable "who's who" list of cartoonists, including 14 Reuben Award winners, 3 Pulitzer Prize winners, and a score of great artists from the web as well.  There's not much of a worthier cause out there, so do your part by picking up a copy.  You can stay abreast of the current information on when the actual art auction is this summer by reading Chris's blog. And naturally, if you're not keeping up with the man himself, here's a link to Richard Thompson's blog. Go forth and see the work of a master of our time!

We also manage to talk about comic books and comic shops, as Chris once owned one. He has a fascinating insider's look from the "brick and mortar" shop owner's perspective, and is something I've wanted to talk about for some time.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Team Cul de Sac book dust jacket

Here is the dust jacket to the Team Cul de Sac book ( we might have a small change or two)
This has been such an honor to work with everyone involved.
The biggest Thank You goes to Richard Thompson in supporting me in this project. He is a saint to put up with me. Oh yeah order this cool book from me at :

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Team Cul de Sac book Contributor list

Here it is folks!
The List:

Richard Thompson

Amend, Bill
Anderson, Brian

Anderson, Mark
Aragones, Sergio
Artley, Steven
Auger, Michael
Basset, Brian
Belefski, Carolyn
Bell-Lundy, Sandra
Billadeau, Jeremy
Bolling, Ruben
Borgman, Jim
Boris, Daniel
Bratton, Doug
Browne, Chance
Burns, Jean
Carillo, Tony
Cavna, Michael
Clark, David
Cole, Michael
Cole, Tyson
Conley, Steve
Conroy, John
Corsetto, Danielle
Cravens, Greg
Curtis, Stacy
Dale, Barbara
Davis, Nikki and Derek
Davis, Jim
Dembecki, Matt
Detorie, Rick
DiPerri, Nathan
Dodge, Jason
Dorkin, Evan
Duffy, Joe
Dunlap-Shohl, Peter
Eaton, Ken
Eliot, Jan
Evans, Greg
Farrago, Andrew
Faust, Craig
Ferdinand, Ron
Feuti, Norm
Fies, Brian
Fishburne, Tom
Fosgitt, Jay
Galifianakis, Nick
Gallant, Shannon
Gammill, Tom
Garrity, Shaenon
Gilligan, Paul
Grall, Caanan
Griffin, Dawn
Guigar, Brad
Guisewite, Cathy
Hagen, David
Hallatt, Alex
Hambrock, John
Hansen, Frank
Harbin, Dustin
Harrell, Rob
Hatem, Rob
Held, Edward
Hinds, Bill
Holbrook, Bill
Holm, Matt
Janocha, Bill
Jantze, Colette and Michael
Jarrell, Sandy
Johnson, Aaron
Johnson, Ian
Johnson, Kerry G
Johnston, Lynn
Jones, Doug
Juliano, Phil
Keil, Birgit
Kellet, Dave
Kesel, Karl
King, Jamie
Kirkman, Rick
Koford, Adam
Konor, Susan Camilleri
Koutsoutis, Constatine
Krause, Peter
Langridge, Roger
LaRocque, Bill
Lazarus, Mell
Leach, “Tiki” Carol
Lemon, J.
Lewis, Donna A.
Libenson, Terri
Lintula, Samuli
Lopez, Rene
Lotshaw, John
Lunsford, Annie
Mahood, Jonathan
Malki, David
Mallett, Jef
Mastronianni, Mason
Mathias, Don
McDonald, Dave
McDonnell, Patrick
McNutt, Kelly
Mitchell, Bill
Mitchell, Bono
Moynihan, Dan
Oliphant, Patrick
Parisi, Mark
Pastis, Stephan
Peirce, Lincoln
Perry, Charles
Piccolo, Rina
Piro, Stephanie
Pittman, Eddie
Polk, Jerrard K.
Price, Hillary,
Reaves, Eric,
Rempe, Scott
Richmond, Tom
Rolfe, D.M.
Rose, John
Satz, Crowden
Schechner, Chris
Schweizer, Chris
Scott, Jerry
Sikoryak, R.
Sinnott, Adrian C
Snyder III, John K.
Soo, Kean
Sorensen, Jen
Sparks, Chris
Steibel, Robert
Stephens, Jay
Sutliff, Joe
Tallon, Sarah
Tatulli, Mark
Thompson, Dan
Tomaselli, David
Trap, Paul
Trudeau, G.B.
Turnbloom, Lucas
Villena, Jose
Walker, Brian
Walker, James Tim
Walker, Mort
Warnes, Tim
Watterson, Bill
Willems, Mo
Wilson, Emily
Wolfe, Ron
Wuerker, Matt
Yoe, Craig
York, Steve
Zinn, David

Art contributed for the auction, but too late for the book:
Beeler, Nate
Brown, William 
Kallagher, Kevin KAL

Friday, January 27, 2012

Pre-order your Team Cul de sac book

Order Team Cul de Sac Book

Here is the link to

Pre-orders for the Team Cul de Sac book, to be officially released in June 2012.

When you order from us, a portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, to support Parkinson’s Disease research.

Regular Edition: $35.50

The price above includes US shipping and a $5 donation to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
The book will be signed by Chris Sparks.

Author Edition Signed and Numbered 1-150: $65.50

(signed and numbered 1-150 by author Chris Sparks)

The price above includes shipping and a $20 donation to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.
Use the Special Instructions form at Paypal checkout on how you want Chris to personalize your book.

If you have any questions about the book, a special request or needing to buy multiple copies please email Chris at:
Thank you for your support on the project!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Why we fight

so nobody has write headlines like this -

'Cul de Sac' goes on hiatus as Richard Thompson receives Parkinson's treatment
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog January 16 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Team Cul de Sac stamp #4 now available

Joe Sutliff's special Hanukah drawing of the Otterloop children and friend scan now be purchased at Zazzle, as of just a few minutes ago. Joe says, "I was baking dreidles for the Sunday school when I had this idea, so I just drew it."

Barbara Dale's TCDS stamp #2 went out on my Christmas cards today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Joe Sutliff coughs up a late cartoon

From: Joe Sutliff, "I was baking dreidles for the Sunday school when I had this idea, so I just drew it.  I'll send the original to the auction as soon as I get a chance."

Joe's cartoon will be Team Cul de Sac #4 so we can get the influential Jewish cartoon stamp collector crowd's money before Hanukah.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Team Cul de Sac Zazzle stamps for sale

Barbara Dale's stamp has been revised to lighten it up so you can see Alice better, and David Hagen volunteered his artwork for stamp #3. Collect them all! It's for charity!