Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Robert Steibel contributes!

Growing up in the DC area, there were always copies of the Washington Post piled around the house, so I've been a big fan of Richard Thompson's brilliant illustrations for many years. I recently heard Richard and some of his friends are starting a project called Team Cul de Sac where they're collecting original comics art to be auctioned off for the benefit of Parkinson's disease research. I just started doing my first official comic strip last week, so I feel pretty silly submitting a piece of my own work, but at least I have an excuse to send Richard this cartoon as a simple way of saying thanks for all of his great work over the years. Best wishes to Richard, his family, and everyone involved with Team Cul de Sac.


Robert Steibel writes and draws the daily comic Apple Creek at <http://www.gocomics.com/apple-creek> You can see his other new comics projects like Wild Life at <http://www.robertsteibel.com/> Steibel also writes the daily Kirby Dynamics weblog for the Jack Kirby Museum and Research Center at <http://kirbymuseum.net/blogs/dynamics/>

Monday, May 9, 2011

Team Cul de Sac deadline has been extended!

We have extended the deadline until June 17th! we did this for a couple of reasons. Lee Salem, Caty Neis, Richard Thompson and Chris Sparks ( thats me folks) will all be at the Reuben awards in less than three weeks. I will personally be asking cartoonist to contribute to Team Cul de Sac. Richard will be juggling, Caty might be Singing. It's going to be a great circus show for all ages..
I can't wait to meet everyone who has contributed so far!

The following weekend please visit heroescon in Charlotte NC. Team Cul de Sac will be releasing The Fanzine for the ages! Craig Fischer is putting all of this together for us. This is just an amazing con. I have been going since 1994 and hope to continue till 2194. Shelton Drum is not only the best at putting on a great show but also always helping whenever he can. Thanks Shelton!

The contributors are an all-star line-up: Derik Badman, Noah Berlatsky, Alex Boney, David Bordwell, Matthew J. Brady, Scott Bukatman, Johanna Draper Carlson, Isaac Cates, Rob Clough, Corey Creekmur, Andrew Farago, Shaenon Garrity, Dustin Harbin, Charles Hatfield, Jeet Heer, Gene Kannenberg Jr., Abhay Khosla, Susan Kirtley, Sean Kleefeld, Costa Koutsoutis, Andrew Mansell, Robert Stanley Martin, Chris Mautner, Joe McCulloch, Ana Merino, Chris Pitzer, Mike Rhode, Jim Rugg, Frank Santoro, Chris Schweizer, Caroline Small, Tom Spurgeon, Ben Towle and Matthias Wivel.

The Zine will be a word-packed 40 pages, topped off by a cover by some fledgling artist named Richard Thompson.

We should have a table close to The one and only Richard Thompson. Please come buy and say hi to Craig, Mike Rhode , Richard and myself.
Buy our fanzine, donate money to Team Cul de Sac, or heck buy us food a drinks!
I just want to say thank you to everyone who is helping us. If you haven't yet....get busy!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Paul Gilligan sent this fun art to TCDS

Paul is another wonderful supporter of TCDS. Here is what he had to say about Richard.

When I was a kid, I used to lie on the living room carpet with the comics
page and get inspired. I knew what I wanted to be. I went to my room and
started drawing.

As time went by, I drew more and laid on the floor less. Most of my
inspirational heroes of the comics page stopped producing, and I had
deadlines, cartooning had become my job.

The moment I saw Richard's work, I was back on the living room carpet again.
He's the reason cartoonists cartoon. Thanks for that, Richard.

John Hambrock had this to say

John Thank you for submitting the great art to Team Cul de Sac!

“One of the best things about being a cartoonist is knowing people like Richard.
His personality and wicked sense of humor never fail to put a smile on my face.
It’s an honor to be a part of Team Cul De Sac.”

A little about John:

In 1999, John began developing the idea of a boy genius character named
Edison. He spent ve years honing his drawing and writing skills, occasionally
submitting samples to King Features Syndicate for development consideration.
King Features saw potential in the precocious 10-year old and in November 2006
launched “The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee” in newspapers. Three short years
later, the feature was nominated “Best Comic Strip 2009” by the National
Cartoonists Society in 2009.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How to Create a Cartoon Character

Things are really in high gear here at Team Cul de Sac headquarters. The packages are rolling in, faster than I can get them scanned and saved! Thanks to all of you who have contributed artwork and sent it off. As you probably know, we have extended the deadline to squeeze in the Reuben awards. I would like to take a minute to thank one of the all time favorite comic strip creators, Rick Kirkman, for his LOL contribution. Class act.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Susan Camilleri Konar loves her veggies

Susan Camilleri Konar sent this to us. She is someone else who has been touched by Richard and his charming personality. Below is a few words from her about Richard,followed by her bio. Enjoy!

I have only met Richard once, however, I've been fortunate to communicate with him via email several times (it's often me asking him annoying questions). I can only say that his warm, generous personality made me feel like I was an old friend. When I found out about Team Cul de Sac I couldn't wait to bring his cartoon world together with mine. It's a simple contribution to a great project. Richard, I wish you all the best and can only say you are one class act.

Susan is a cartoonist and illustrator who began her professional freelance career a tad later in life (or, shall we say in 'the new 20s'). Her clients include Harvard Business Review, Reader's Digest (US and Can), Prospect (UK), The Chronicle, The Wall Street Journal, Business Law Today and many other magazines and newspapers. She also contributes to Bob Eckstein's online humour magazine 'The Basement' and is a member of The National Cartoonists Society.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Barbara Dale is just awesome!

Barbara Dale is one of the pioneers of alternative greeting cards in the United
States. The Washington Post described her and her generation of card designers
as having, “changed the face of the nearly 7 billion cards Americans sent to each
other last year.” In the book, “A Gallery of Rogues: Cartoonists’ Self-Characatures”
published by Ohio State University she’s described as, “Specializing in off-the-wall
humor of the taste-expanding variety.” Barbara’s worked with numerous card and
gift industry manufacturers such as Recycled Paper Products, Andrews and McMeel,
Carol Wilson, The Ink Group, and Wild Card. Currently, her cards are published in
the United States by Sellers Publishing, Inc and RSVP Cards. She’s the co-author
and illustrator of two humor books, “The Working Woman Book” and “The Joys
of Motherhood” published by Andrews and McMeel. She also co-authored and
illustrated a syndicated panel, “The Stanley Family” with Universal Press Syndicate
in 1990. She’s exhibited her paintings and prints in several one-woman and group
shows and has work represented in numerous private and museum collections.
Barbara is currently writing a novel.

Chris Schechner and Who is under your bed?

Chris Schechner called me today and made my day. Thank you Chris. I always love to get emails, FB messages, and phone calls from people who are contributing. If they would just pick me up and buy me drinks! One can only dream.
Please read his Bio. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

I have been an art director and illustrator for over 35 years. Most recently,
I was the art director of Pockets magazine for 25 years. I have owned my
own studio, Schechner & Associates, since 1985. I have done design and
illustration for numerous clients. My journal in cartoon form can be found at

When I found out about Team Cul De Sac, I was excited to participate because first
of all, I love Richard’s creation. It would be a great chance to honor this wonderful
strip. Secondly, I want to encourage everyone with disabilities to achieve all they
can. As the result of a diving accident nearly 40 years ago, I have been quadriplegic
and I have continued drawing and creating art since then despite having my fingers
paralyzed and having limited use of my arms. We all struggle with some form of
obstacle and it is important to push ourselves to reach beyond expectations. Thanks
Richard, for providing this platform.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jay Stephens and Family

Here is what Jay said about our family. Thank you Jay. We are family, thank you for sharing.

"Cartoonists are a tight-knit bunch.
A couple of years ago I spent 8 weeks in hospital recuperating from the rather nasty side effects of debilitating mental illness. As part of the ongoing treatment, my doctor recommended openly discussing my clinical depression with others, which I did, and continue to do. As expected, the diagnosis scared off many friends and family, some of whom abandoned me to my fate.
But not the cartoonists.
By a wide margin, those in the cartooning profession extended the most heartfelt sympathies, the kindest words of support, and extended the warmest hands of friendship. I felt so encouraged by that unconditional support, and will never forget it.
Cartoonists let me know in no uncertain terms that they are Family. Richard Thompson is my Brother. This is for him."

Mr Dander's Daydreams

Jonathan Lemon who does Rabbits Against Magic (a U|U feature) sent is this! Everyone loves Mr.Danders More on Mr lemon soon!