Friday, December 13, 2013
Richard Thompson exhibit in Ohio this spring
Friday, December 6, 2013
Richard Thompson 2008 interview available
Thursday, December 5, 2013
New drawing hip
Amy sent this new portrait of Richards hip to us tonight. Sounds like he will be standing up on Friday. Keep the love coming folks!
Richard's post-op state of mind
Richard's out of surgery
Richard in surgery for his hip
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
12/3 medical update - surgery postponed again
Sending best wishes to Richard Thompson
As most of you know our beloved Richard Thompson broke his hip a few days ago. Instead of sending physical mail, please leave your elove right here!
Ecards can still go to his personal email but this would be better for Richard to check for the time being.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Richard Thompson interview from 2008 now in print
Richard Thompson Q&A at the 2008 Small Press Expo.
International Journal of Comic Art 15 (2; Fall): 94-116
You can find out how to order a copy at
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Moving Day Walk in DC
Donate here to support me---> http://www3.parkinson.
My goal is just a hundred bucks but 10 times that would be awesome! Oh I have 10 days to do it! Help please?
Carolyn Belefski!!!!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
What is up with Richard Thompson? A book and art show with Bill Watterson?
Yeap, that is correct folks! Not only will there be this cool Complete Cul de Sac for purchase in the spring of 2014(intro by Art Spiegelman)BUT a two man art exhibit at The Ohio State University in the brand spanking new Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum will happen too! That is right folks, Richard Thompson and Bill Watterson is having a little art show for a few months together next year. So if you ever wanted to see some original Calvin and Hobbes strips and see a wonderful wide range of Richard Thompson's mad skills, this will be a once in a life time experience. A big thanks to Jenny Robb and Bill Watterson in making this show happen. We are in for a treat!
What is this nonsense about a wide range of art from Richard?
Why not just Cul de Sac art?
Very good questions! I hope Richard talks about that soon!
Drooling yet? You will be, YOU WILL BE!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Wanna See Chris accept the Bob Clampett Award? Its only 2 months late!
2011: Patrick McDonnell
2010: Jeannie Schulz
2009: Denis Kitchen
2008: Paul Levitz
2007: Neil Gaiman
2006: Calvin Reid
2005: George Pérez
2004: Mimi Cruz
2003: Alex Ross
2002: Herb Trimpe
2001: Mark Evanier
2000: Peter Laird
1998: Frank Miller
1997: Joe Kubert
1996: Andrew Vachss
1995: Maggie Thompson
1994: Will Eisner
1993: Jack Kirby
1992: Archie Goodwin
1991: The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
1990: Sergio Aragonés
1988: June Foray
1987: Ray Bradbury
1986: Bernie Wrightson and Jim Starlin
1985: Robert A. Heinlein
1984: Forrest J Ackerman
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Team Cul de Sac panel at Baltimore Comic-Con
ZARVOX PRESENTS: The Team Cul De Sac – BCC13 Panel
Download! Subscribe! iTunes! Stitcher!

The Carolyn and Joe Show has been hijacked by aliens once again!
The alien warlord ZARVOX has intercepted the original show that was intended to be released this week and has used their alien technology to rewarp what they believe is a more important show to broadcast on the Carolyn and Joe Show, The Baltimore Comic Con 2013 – TEAM CUL DE SAC panel with Barbara Dale, Dawn Griffin, Carolyn Belefski, Chris Sparks and Joe Sutliff. Enjoy…humans.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Drink and Draw photos from Baltimore Comic-Con
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Team Cul de Sac fundraiser at Baltimore Comic-Con
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Phil Nel recommends Cul de Sac
by Zack Smith, Newsarama 09 August 2013
I've read the WWII strip, and recommend it. Phil Nel, one of the
editors of the current volume, recommends Cul de Sac at the end of the
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Sept 6: Team Cul de Sac fundraiser Drink and Draw at Baltimore Comic Con
So consider attending and either bidding or drawing!
Monday, July 29, 2013
SDCC 2013 Team Cul de Sac Panel video
Published on Jul 25, 2013
Chris Sparks, editor of the book, "Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinsons," heads up an all-star panel of artists! Lincoln Peirce, Mark Tatulli, Lucas Turnbloom, Jenni and Matt Holm, Andrew Farago, Shaenon Garrity, and Rob Harrell talk about their pieces in the book and what the great Richard Thompson's art and writing has meant to them.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Editor Sparks wins humanitarian award for Team Cul de Sac
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog July 20 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Harvey Awards Nominations time
As you know I am leaving on the 17th to go to Comic-Con because Team Cul de Sac is up for an Eisner. Well, to take some pressure off of that award I received some awesome news this morning.Team Cul de Sac was nominated FOUR times for the Harvey Awards!
Please consider voting for us if you are a contributor or a professonal in the business. Also,please share and tell all of your pro friends to consider voting for us! I will be at the Harvey Awards and I hope to see many of the contributors there!
Vote HERE!!!
A big thank you to everyone who is involved in TCDS!
____ CUL DE SAC, Richard Thompson, Universal Press Syndicate
You can access the ballots in electronic format here at :
Friday, July 12, 2013
Team Cul de Sac panel and a cool freebie from GoComics!
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
TCDS Panel at Comic-Con update
Chris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award-nominated Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinsons book, is joined by several contributors who will talk about the creation of this original cartoon art book done in tribute to Richard Thompson, Reuben Award winner and the creator of the comic strip Cul de Sac. The book features art from dozens of cartoonists in print and web, including the first original art published in 16 years by Bill Watterson of Calvin and Hobbes fame, and has helped raise over $105,000 towards Parkinsons research through the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Panelists scheduled to appear are Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), Mark Tatulli (Lio), Lucas Turnbloom (Imagine This), Andrew Farago (curator, Cartoon Art Museum), Shaenon Garrity (Skin Horse, Narbonic), Rob Harrell (Monster on the Hill), Matthew Holm (Baby Mouse), and Jenni Holm(Baby Mouse) an Eisner Award nominee. Moderated by Tom Racine (Tall Tale Radio podcast).
Room 9
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Comic Con Panel information
Join Chris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award Nominated Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinsons book. Joining him are several contributors who will talk about the creation of this amazing original cartoon art book that was done in tribute to Richard Thompson, Reuben Award winner and the creator of the comic strip "Cul de Sac." The book features art from dozens of cartoonists in print and web, including the first original art published in 16 years by Bill Watterson of "Calvin and Hobbes" fame, and has helped raise over $105,000 towards Parkinsons research through the Michael J Fox Foundation. Panelists scheduled to appear: Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), Mark Tatulli (Lio), Lucas Turnbloom (Imagine This), Andrew Farago, (Curator, Cartoon Art Museum), Shaenon Garrity (Skin Horse, Narbonic), Jenni Holm, (Baby Mouse) an Eisner Award nominee. Session moderated by Tom Racine (Tall Tale Radio podcast). Room 9
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Team Cul de Sac fundraising at HeroesCon
Seth Peagler
June 13, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Team Cul de Sac panel at Comic-Con
I have the official news that we will have aTeam Cul de Sac Panel at Comic-Con, Saturday, 7/20/13 Times will be announced closer to the date.
Team Cul de Sac Join Chris Sparks, editor and organizer of the Eisner Award Nominated Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinson's book. Joining him are several contributors who will talk about the creation of this amazing original cartoon art book that was done in tribute to Richard Thompson, Reuben Award winner and the creator of the comic strip "Cul de Sac." The book features art from dozens of cartoonists in print and web, including the first original art published in 16 years by Bill Watterson of "Calvin and Hobbes" fame, and has helped raise over $105,000 towards Parkinsons research through the Michael J Fox Foundation. Panelists scheduled to appear: Lincoln Peirce (Big Nate), Mark Tatulli (Lio), Lucas Turnbloom (Imagine This), Andrew Farago, (Curator, Cartoon Art Museum), Shaenon Garrity (Skin Horse, Narbonic), Jenni Holm, (Baby Mouse) an Eisner Award nominee. Session moderated by Tom Racine (Tall Tale Radio podcast).
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Drink and Draw at Heroescon
Five years ago at heroescon I met someone who has changed my life...for the better. He is Richard Thompson. From the first time we met until this very moment our friendship and admiration has grown for each other.
Richard gave us one of the best comic strips ever, Cul de Sac and I became one of his biggest fanboys. Four years ago Richard found out He had Parkinsons. He has tackled it like he does with everything else, a laugh and missing the deadline as long as he could with Parkinsons.
We might not haveCul de Sac to laugh to everyday but we do have something else to turn our attention to. That is finding a cure for Parkinsons. In 2010 Richard and i started Team Cul de Sac. We asked artists to donate art using Richards characters and we auctioned the art off and even had a nice coffee table book made. We might not have a cure yet but we have raised some make dough for the Michael J Fox Foundation.Most of the almost 110k was made last year and we hope to add to that total this year.
This is where Heroescon has stepped in. For the last two years we have had a drink and draw for a few hours on Friday night after the con. Each year we have raised around 1400 bucks for our efforts.
Well this year Heroescon wanted to step that up a drop. With the wonderful help of Heather, Seth, Rico and the main man Shelton Drum we are having a big party this year. ( more details will be added very soon about the time and place) I do know it is Friday night after the show.
Heather and Seth asked me to help them round up some folks to donate art. So I have.
First off we have:
A signed hard cover of Maus with a sketch in the book by the legend himself Art Spiegelman!
Oh but that was not enough I wanted to make a real splash so I asked our wonderful friend
We will be auctioning off one of the TCDS books and one of the Complete Calvin and Hobbes off at Heroescon. This is one of the rarest cartooning signatures EVER!!!!!!!
A big thanks to everyone at Heroescon helping us out!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Bill Watterson signing a few books for TCDS
Hi everyone, Chris Sparks here with some cool news!
Bill Watterson will be signing 5 Team Cul de Sac books and 5 Complete Calvin and Hobbes softcovers for Team Cul de Sac to sell to help raise money for the Michael J Fox Foundation.
One of each will be sold/auctioned at Heroescon this year.
More news with details soon.
Thank you to Bill Watterson in helping us out!
T/Y to Shelton Drum,Seth Peagler,Heather Mobley Peagler,Rico Renzi and everybody at for their support.
We will also have a copy of each book at Baltimore Comic-Con to sell.
Thank you Mark Nathan and Bradford Tree for all of their support at the Baltimorecon.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Team Cul de Sac nominated for an Eisner award!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! What an Honor to be nominated for an Eisner Award for Best Comics-Related Book:
Team Cul De Sac: Cartoonists Draw the Line at Parkinson’s, edited by Chris Sparks (Andrews McMeel)!
Congrats to all of the contributors from Team Cul de Sac and a big shout out to Richard Thompson. We love ya!
Between all of the Fundraising(donations,art auction of the book art, books, drink and draw at Heroescon,signed books by Richard Thompson and Bill Watterson, T-shirts, prints, matching donations etc...
We have raised over $110,000
I want to say more but I am speechless! Besides Stay tuned for more ways to give and maybe get a cool piece of art.
If you contributing artist or a professonal cartoonist, please consider voting for us for the Eisner Award and Harvey Nominations.
Here is what Richard Thompson had to say about all of this!
Jennifer Elliott(my wife) Michael J Fox and Chris
Friday, March 22, 2013
Awards time of the year. Go VOTE for TCDS
Just a reminder to all of the contributors, professionals and fans. I have sent TCDS off to the Eisner awards for nomination consideration. We should know about if we were nominated in about a month. Also, if you are a contributor or a professional who loved our book vote for us to be nominated for the Harvey awards. Information on that follows:
Remember folks, if you contributed to Team cul de sac then please nominated your book for the Harvey awards. Please vote for us! If we get nominated then lets get the word out to vote for us in the finals! I have no shame do I?
I just Nominated Team Cul de Sac for:
Best Anthology: Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel
Special Award for Humor in Comics Chris Sparks/Team Cul de Sac
Special Award for Excellence In Presentation:Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel
Best Biographical, Historical, or Journalistic Presentation :Team Cul de Sac/Andrews McMeel
(for Michael Cavnas Story on Richard Thompson)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
TCDS discussed in year-end podcast
2012 Year-End Roundtable with Joe McCulloch, Bill Kartalopoulos and Tom Spurgeon.
By Robin McConnell
Inkstuds February 12, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
TCDS contributor Dave McDonald profiled
By Rob Novit
Aiken Standard February 17, 2013