Team Cul de Sac
Please Help Us Walk Off Parkinson's
We are participating in Walk Off Parkinson's on Sunday September 13, 2015 at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. to benefit the Parkinson's Foundation of the National Capital Area (PFNCA).
That day, we will gather with thousands of others impacted by Parkinson's to show that those facing this disease that they do not do so alone. We will raise funds to support those impacted by Parkinson's including people diagnosed with the disease, care partners and their family members.
Please join us or make a donation.
You can make a donation in honor of a member of our team by selecting their name from the roster on the right.
Together, we will Walk Off Parkinson's.
Thank you.
About Team Cul de Sac
Team Cul de Sac is a fundraising effort in honor of Richard Thompson, the cartoonist behind the Cul de Sac comic strip. Richard was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. With Richard's support, Chris Sparks asked cartoonists across the country to contribute comics compiled into a fundraising book published by Andrews McMeel (Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw The Line At Parkinson's). The original artwork was auctioned to raise additional money. Team Cul de Sac continues to progress and expand our fundraising efforts.