Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Richard Thompson wins cartooning's 'Oscar' award
Here are a few quick photos of Richard's wonderful evening, taken by Chris Sparks. Congrats !

John Glynn, Richard Thompson, Cathy Guisewite, Lee Salem, John McMeel, Garry Trudeau
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Jay Fosgitt contributed this fine gem

I'm a big fan of Richard Thompson's comic strip, "Cul De Sac", and also a big fan of Harper Lee's book (and the movie based on it), "To Kill A Mockingbird". When I first read Richard's comic, I was overwhelmed by the wonderful similarities of the two works, from characters to themes. Most noticeable for me were the shared ideals of hope and perseverance. With these tools, we can get past preconceived notions about folks in our community, or we can manage a public obo solo (without the aid of a security cape and Viking helmet) despite our fear of being stared at. Richard goes further to carry these strengths into his personal life, which not only inspires me as a cartoonist, but as a person.
Though I typically draw in pen and ink and color my work digitally, for this piece, I tried to suggest Richard's style by coloring with watercolor pencils. Hopefully I managed an faithful connection to Cul De Sac by employing this fun and challenging medium.
--Jay P. Fosgitt is the creator of the graphic novel "Dead Duck", and is a member of The National Cartoonists Society. You can visit his website at: www.jayfosgitt.com
Chris Schweizer jumps for TCDS

My note on Cul de Sac:
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Favorite Comic Zine: Update
I'm happy to report that the zine is on schedule to premiere at Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC, coming up on June 3-5. Favorites will cost 5 dollars, and every cent of each sale will go towards research for a cure for Parkinson's disease. After Heroes, we'll make the zine available through the mail.
I'd like to thank the contributors to the zine, all of whom wrote sensational essays about some exceptional comics. I'd also like to thank some guy named Richard Thompson, who very graciously volunteered to draw the cover for Favorites. (Richard's cover illustration is at the top of this post.)
So stop by the Team table at Heroes, say hello, spend five bucks on our zine, and help us battle Parkinson's. See you then!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Raymond Jarrell is 8 yrs old and loves Cul de Sac

Petey meets Red and Rover by Brian Basset

Brian Basset did this beautiful art for us. WOW! Thank you sir.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Jonathan Mahood shares with us for TCDS

Jonathan sent this awesome piece and share his thoughts on Richard and himself. This guy is such a class act. I am so glad he wanted to contribute to TCDS! Here is his little story about his love for Richard and Cul de Sac.I started reading Cul de Sac when it first launched on GoComics in 2007 and I, like millions of other readers, have been a big fan ever since.I'm a bit slow, so it took me a while to realize Richard also did the fantastic illustrations in The New Yorker that I enjoyed so much (...like I said, a bit slow.)When the call went out for contributions to Team Cul de Sac I knew it was a great opportunity to support someone who had given me many laughs over the years.Having suffered some permanent nerve damage that left my drawing hand partially paralyzed, I have some limited insight into what it's like when your wiring doesn't quite function properly. Drawing a simple circle can suddenly become extremely frustrating.I also know that, while I was working through therapy and coping with this new reality, comics were a powerful source for that healing, both physically and mentally.For that reason, I think comics provide an excellent and unique way to promote awareness and raise funds for Parkinson's research. I am very pleased to play a role and support Richard's Team Cul de Sac.Dip those nibs people!
Washington Post Profiles Richard Thompson Update
Beautiful art from Adrian C. Sinnott

Adrian met Richard at last year's Reuben awards and wanted contribute to TCDS.
Adrian is the Chapter Chair for the Berndt Toast Gang/Long Island Chapter of the NCS and am also a member of the Society of Illustrators. I do children's books, advertising illustration. I love this piece of art.
Adrian C. Sinnott
Barking Hollow Studios, Inc.
My sketchy blog:
Sandy Jarrell with Toad Zombies VS. Sootis

Sandy is a fan of CDS and also trying to become a full time cartoonist. This is pretty impressive folks. Check out http://whamcomics.com/
from Costa Koutsoutis TCDS contribution

A big thanks to Costa for contributing to TCDS with some art but Costa is also in our Fanzine that will be making its debut in two weeks from today at Heroescon in Charlotte NC.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Washington Post Profiles Richard Thompson
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Daniel Boris and Hoxwinder Hall beams into the Team CDS

Daniel Boris is just a great cartoonist who has a bright future in front of him. His strip was
a Runner-Up winner in theCartoonistStudio.com on-line contest. He was
awarded the incredible prize of a 1-month mentorship with Rick Kirkman, co-creator of the very popular “Baby Blues” comic strip!
Good luck Daniel it is only a matter of time till we see you syndicated!
Daniel is a big fan of Richards and had this to say:
“Richard Thompson was one of the judges in the Washington Post’s “Americas Next Great Cartoonist” contest. I was a finalist in the contest, and Richard wrote some encouraging feedback to me. It was because of encouragement like his that I decided to keep going with my strip. A few months later, I got the opportunity to meet Richard at the Baltimore Comic Con. Richard spoke with me for what seemed like an hour, and endured all of my endless questions with a smile. Richard Thompson is one of the Good Guys, and his Cul de Sac a bright spot in the comics pages. Thank you, Richard!
I am currently working hard to get Hoxwinder Hall syndicated in newspapers everywhere.”
Deadline extention starts with Stephanie Piro

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Jason Dodge Says

Friday, May 13, 2011
Sneak at Stephan Pastis drawing Alice.

John Rose has Snuffy and Alice having a bodacious time

Norm Feuti “Alice’s Song”

Norm sent us “Alice’s Song” to blow everyone away. Norm this is just so creative and beautiful. Thank you so much! Look at the border folks!
Norm said:
"I wanted to create an homage to Richard’s characters out of the very media he enriches every day with his brilliant comic strip. The piece is entitled “Alice’s Song” and was inspired by the final panel of a strip from the first Cul De Sac book."
Norm Feuti is a syndicated cartoonist, author, and freelance artist living in Plainville, Massachusetts.
Norm’s syndicated comic strip, Retail, presents a humorous look at the retail industry by chronicling the daily events at the fictitious Grumbel’s department store. Drawing from his 15 years of experience working in retail management, the humor of Retail plays out through the day-to-day trials and triumphs of four main Grumbel’s department store employees (Marla, Cooper, Val, and Stuart) and the customers they encounter. Retail is distributed worldwide by King Features. Retail can also be read daily on www.retailcomic.com.
My professional website is www.normfeuticartoons.com
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Phil Juliano from my hometown of Asheville

Robert Steibel contributes!

Growing up in the DC area, there were always copies of the Washington Post piled around the house, so I've been a big fan of Richard Thompson's brilliant illustrations for many years. I recently heard Richard and some of his friends are starting a project called Team Cul de Sac where they're collecting original comics art to be auctioned off for the benefit of Parkinson's disease research. I just started doing my first official comic strip last week, so I feel pretty silly submitting a piece of my own work, but at least I have an excuse to send Richard this cartoon as a simple way of saying thanks for all of his great work over the years. Best wishes to Richard, his family, and everyone involved with Team Cul de Sac.
Robert Steibel writes and draws the daily comic Apple Creek at <http://www.gocomics.com/
Monday, May 9, 2011
Team Cul de Sac deadline has been extended!
The Zine will be a word-packed 40 pages, topped off by a cover by some fledgling artist named Richard Thompson.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Paul Gilligan sent this fun art to TCDS

page and get inspired. I knew what I wanted to be. I went to my room and
started drawing.
As time went by, I drew more and laid on the floor less. Most of my
inspirational heroes of the comics page stopped producing, and I had
deadlines, cartooning had become my job.
The moment I saw Richard's work, I was back on the living room carpet again.
He's the reason cartoonists cartoon. Thanks for that, Richard.
John Hambrock had this to say

Friday, May 6, 2011
How to Create a Cartoon Character

Things are really in high gear here at Team Cul de Sac headquarters. The packages are rolling in, faster than I can get them scanned and saved! Thanks to all of you who have contributed artwork and sent it off. As you probably know, we have extended the deadline to squeeze in the Reuben awards. I would like to take a minute to thank one of the all time favorite comic strip creators, Rick Kirkman, for his LOL contribution. Class act.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Susan Camilleri Konar loves her veggies

“I have only met Richard once, however, I've been fortunate to communicate with him via email several times (it's often me asking him annoying questions). I can only say that his warm, generous personality made me feel like I was an old friend. When I found out about Team Cul de Sac I couldn't wait to bring his cartoon world together with mine. It's a simple contribution to a great project. Richard, I wish you all the best and can only say you are one class act.
Susan is a cartoonist and illustrator who began her professional freelance career a tad later in life (or, shall we say in 'the new 20s'). Her clients include Harvard Business Review, Reader's Digest (US and Can), Prospect (UK), The Chronicle, The Wall Street Journal, Business Law Today and many other magazines and newspapers. She also contributes to Bob Eckstein's online humour magazine 'The Basement' and is a member of The National Cartoonists Society.”
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Barbara Dale is just awesome!

Chris Schechner and Who is under your bed?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Jay Stephens and Family

Mr Dander's Daydreams

Brian Anderson of Dog eat Doug

Brian's earliest cartoon memories are of drawing James Bond-esque comics in second grade. His cartoons appeared in monthly grammar school newsletters and then jumped to the St. John's High School Paper (where he promptly found himself in the Principal's office to explain the meaning of a giant soap-on-rope that had crushed a small sedan).
Public debate over his cartoons followed him to Holy Cross, where next to the sports section, his strip was the most read feature. Escaping the walls of Academia in 1996, Brian pursued a career as a graphic designer and comic book artist. With comic book work scarcer then Metalica songs at a wedding, Brian published his own comic book series "Absence of Light." He also worked as an editorial cartoonist for his hometown newspaper, "The Town Crier."
Brian sent his college strip to the Syndicates in 1998. Although there was interest in developing the feature, Brian knew this wasn't THEE strip for him. For the next few years Brian spread his focus on his dark comic book visions and fledgling screenwriting career.
All that changed in 2003. In a matter of months he became a Husband, a homeowner, and father of a chocolate lab puppy. With the support of his wife, Tammy, and the inspiration of his dog, Sophie, he created "Dog eat Doug." The daily strip debuted online in 2004 and launched in newspapers in 2005. The strip continues to enjoy a growing, international fan base.
"Harbor Moon", a graphic novel based on one of Brian's screenplay's was released in March. And his next picture book, "The Prince's New Pet" will hit shelves this fall.
Cul de Sac meets The Pajama Diaries

Terri Libenson of “The Pajama Diaries” just sent this to us! Having a two year old, I can relate and be scared!
Thank you so much Terri! Please check out “The Pajama Diaries" link below!
Terri Libenson is the cartoonist of the syndicated comic strip, “The Pajama Diaries,” which details the personal life of Jill Kaplan, a contemporary working mom trying to juggle it all. Terri is also a long-time humorous card writer for American Greetings Corp.
Terri graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 1992 with a BFA in illustration. She developed her first professional comic strip, “Got a Life,” in 2000, which was distributed by King Features Weekly service. “The Pajama Diaries” was launched with King in 2006 and runs in newspapers nationally and overseas. Currently, Terri lives with her husband and two daughters in Cleveland, OH.
Roger Langridge and Little Neuro