Thursday, December 10, 2015
Compleating Cul de Sac reviewed
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Q3 donations for Compleating Cul de Sac book
Q3 donations for the Compleating Cul de Sac book were $176.48 and went to Team Fox this morning.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Friday, October 9, 2015
"Compleating Cul de Sac" appears in first library collection

Michigan State U's Comic Art Collection became the first library to catalog Compleating Cul de Sac as part of their collection.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Happy 58th birthday to Richard Thompson
Monday, October 5, 2015
The Art of Richard Thompson film interview
HFF 2015 Interview: Bob Burnett, Director of The Art of Richard Thompson
By heartlandfilm on September 24, 2015
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Sept 13: Parkinson's Walk for Team Cul de Sac
Team Cul de Sac
Please Help Us Walk Off Parkinson's
We are participating in Walk Off Parkinson's on Sunday September 13, 2015 at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. to benefit the Parkinson's Foundation of the National Capital Area (PFNCA).
That day, we will gather with thousands of others impacted by Parkinson's to show that those facing this disease that they do not do so alone. We will raise funds to support those impacted by Parkinson's including people diagnosed with the disease, care partners and their family members.
Please join us or make a donation.
You can make a donation in honor of a member of our team by selecting their name from the roster on the right.
Together, we will Walk Off Parkinson's.
Thank you.
About Team Cul de Sac
Team Cul de Sac is a fundraising effort in honor of Richard Thompson, the cartoonist behind the Cul de Sac comic strip. Richard was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. With Richard's support, Chris Sparks asked cartoonists across the country to contribute comics compiled into a fundraising book published by Andrews McMeel (Team Cul de Sac: Cartoonists Draw The Line At Parkinson's). The original artwork was auctioned to raise additional money. Team Cul de Sac continues to progress and expand our fundraising efforts.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Compleating Cul de Sac is 30% off
Compleating Cul de Sac is 30% off - Get 30% off all print books when you use code SAVE30 at checkout. Ends August 30.
Order it at
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Compleating Cul de Sac raises $220 for Team Cul de Sac
Complete, that is. Compiling it while ill, Richard accidentally left out some strips. Others were purposely left out, either because he had redrawn them for syndication, or they were too tied to the Washington, D.C. origins of the strip to make sense for a worldwide audience, or he "just felt some were not funny." Over 100 are not in The Complete CDS.
But if you're a cartoon completist, or just want a little bit more CDS, we understand and we're here for you. We've collected the lost water-colored Washington Post Magazine strips, the early inchoate musings about what the strip should be, the promotional material, the sketches for fans, and finally some fugitive Team Cul de Sac charity art by Art Spiegelman, KAL, Patrick McDonnell, Eric Shansby, Nate Beeler and others.
With Richard's blessing, or at least active acquiescence, any money the book makes will go to Team Cul de Sac to fight Parkinson's disease.
And if more art surfaces, we'll do a second edition.
Compleating Cul de Sac
by Richard Thompson, Michael Rhode and Chris Sparks
Asheville, NC: Team Cul de Sac & Arlington, VA: ComicsDC, 2015.
Available in paperback:
ebook pdf:
Review pdfs available to media upon request

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Complete Cul de Sac wins Eisner award
Richard Thompson's comic strip collection, The Complete Cul de Sac, won an Eisner Award last night at the San Diego Comic - Con for best humorous publication.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
The Art of Richard Thompson documentary at San Diego Comic-Con
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Pete Docter wants to draw like Richard Thompson
Pete Docter
JUNE 28, 2015 Cul de Sac
by Richard Thompson, Michael Rhode and Chris Sparks
Asheville, NC: Team Cul de Sac & Arlington, VA: ComicsDC, 2015.
Available in paperback:
ebook pdf:
Friday, June 26, 2015
John Cuneo on Richard Thompson
- Illustrator Profile - John Cuneo: "The act of making marks on paper is a rare and singular pleasure"
By Robert Newman Thursday June 25, 2015
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Cul De Sac: Trip to the Beach video online
Cul De Sac: Trip to the Beach
by John Weber
Donate to Team Cul De Sac:
This time on the Punchline, it's a tale of a throwback comic that was forced to retire far to soon...
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Compleating Cul de Sac available now - New Richard Thompson book out
Complete, that is. Compiling it while ill, Richard accidentally left out some strips. Others were purposely left out, either because he had redrawn them for syndication, or they were too tied to the Washington, D.C. origins of the strip to make sense for a worldwide audience, or he "just felt some were not funny." Over 100 are not in The Complete CDS.
But if you're a cartoon completist, or just want a little bit more CDS, we understand and we're here for you. We've collected the lost water-colored Washington Post Magazine strips, the early inchoate musings about what the strip should be, the promotional material, the sketches for fans, and finally some fugitive Team Cul de Sac charity art by Art Spiegelman, KAL, Patrick McDonnell, Eric Shansby, Nate Beeler and others.
With Richard's blessing, or at least active acquiescence, any money the book makes will go to Team Cul de Sac to fight Parkinson's disease.
And if more art surfaces, we'll do a second edition.
Compleating Cul de Sac
by Richard Thompson, Michael Rhode and Chris Sparks
Asheville, NC: Team Cul de Sac & Arlington, VA: ComicsDC, 2015.
Available in paperback:
ebook pdf:
Review pdfs available to media upon request

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Fifth Anniversary of Team Cul de Sac is upon us: DONATE ART
I wish Richard Thompson was still drawing Cul de Sac and instead of planning this years Drink and Draw at Heroescon, we were planning on Richard and Mike Rhode visiting Heroescon and us seeing old friends,having Fuel pizza, going to Merts and having craft beer from Asheville. Life is life and we roll with it. Instead of doing nothing we have done something. Something good and something to be proud of.
If you have never had a chance to help here is your chance. On the evening of Friday June 19th (also my 45th birthday) we are having our Team Cul de Sac Drink and draw in Charlotte, NC after the first day of Heroescon! More details soon on all the details but first we want to ask for help. Below you see Alice jumping on her manhole with her Team Cul de Sac shirt on. She has been our mascot for 5 years! With our Drink and Draw coming up, I thought it would be nice to have a 5 year anniversary print only available at Heroescon. here is where you can help. Donate art featuring the Cul de Sac gang. The theme is the 5th Anniversary of TCDS and the Drink and Draw. Go wild.
The winning entry will be picked by Richard Thompson, Mike Rhode and myself.All art must be mailed to us and even if your art is not picked you still win. You are helping us by donating the art to our Drink and Draw. The winner gets a really cool gift. How cool? Trust me its cool. All submissions must be in to me by June the 9th. You can send a digital file to us at so we can catalog and promote the art but you are not entered into the contest until we receive the original art. Remember June 9th is the deadline. If you are at this years Reuben awards you can give the art to Mike Rhode or myself.
Send submissions to
Team Cul de Sac
c/o Chris Sparks
54 Herron ave
Asheville NC, 28806
Plus, if you want to donate original art not related to the contest for the Drink and draw auction, please send it to the address above!
A superhero thank you to Heather, Seth and Shelton and everyone at Heroescon that supports us year after year.
Washington DC and the Reuben Awards
My next Reuben weekend (2011) was when our favorite, Richard Thompson won Cartoonist of the Year in Boston. I was raising awareness for our up and coming Team Cul de Sac project. Everyone treated me as family, Another weekend I will never forget.
Then 2012 rolled around and I ended up in Las Vegas for the Reubens. That weekend our Team Cul de Sac book was launched to the crowd of many of our contributors. Nervous, yes. Proud of what we were accomplishing HELL yes. Everyone was so supportive and again it was like the best family reunion ever.
The Reubens in 2013 turned out to be pretty awesome too. I was now a member of the best family ever. Oh and if that wasn't enough I had the privilege to play tennis with Bill Hinds and Rick Kirkman!
Here it is May 2015 and I am planning my family cartooning reunion in Washington DC. Next week I will be seeing Richard, Mo, Hilary,Rick, Shaenon, Andrew,Bill, John, Lucy, Lee,Tom,John, Nick and so many more. Family.
Remember being a blood related is just blood and it washes off. Good ink won't.
BTW, if you see Mike Rhode, please give him a inky hug. Mike is now a family member. Long overdue.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Compleating Cul de Sac draft in hand - a new Richard Thompson book coming soon
Including all the art that was left out of Eisner-award-nominated The Complete Cul de Sac, it's 150 pages of strips, interviews and sketches.
We're pleased to provide more Richard Thompson for your viewing pleasure while supporting Parkinson's disease research.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Richard Thompson = The Band, or an Art of Richard Thompson review
Graphic Novels from Apatoff, Font, Jurgens & others, Lewis & Co., and Sutter | Xpress Reviews
By LJ Reviews on January 22, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
CdS and TCdS artist Stacy Curtis is ill
Stacy Curtis loses sight from stroke; Pig and Banjo drawings fill Facebook wall
by Alan Gardner
March 30, 2015
Thursday, March 19, 2015
SC Comiccon! Discuss please and remember it is this weekend
I will have Team Cul de Sac and the Art of Richard Thompson books on hand for you to purchase for Arbor Day or any other holiday.
Robert Young puts on a mean show and after the show we are having a Drink and Draw to Honor Jeremy Dale. Half the funds will go to the Heroes Initiative and and the other half to TCDS for the Michael J Fox Foundation.
I will have already donated art at my table for you to get a jump on spending your art alloence this weekend.
Please come by and see some of the items we have for the Drink and draw in Charlotte at Heroescon in June
Keep me company. Some topics we can discuss are:
The Art of Richard Thompson and how that book came about.
Ask about the new NEW book project.
The Great Richard Thompson. ( I might bring some of his originals to show folks. )
The Michael J Fox Gala coming up in April in NYC.
Why Bill Watterson puts up with all of Richards friends.
Favorite Artists of mine and yours.
Web cartooning.
Why am I surrounded by guys named Chris at this show.
Why my Kid wants a drawing of Hobbes eating Andy Runtons Owly.
Discuss Chocolate Stouts.
Beer donations welcomed.
How Awesome Heather and Seth are helping at Heroescon.
My web design studio.
Or maybe we can discuss who is stronger the Hulk or Superman.
Just come by, I will keep you entertained and you can keep me entertained!
See ya there!
Monday, March 16, 2015
TCDS is not just about Richard Thompson
Richard Morgan has a comics store in Greenville, SC. He goes to most of the conventions in the area including Heroes Con. He met us the first year we sold t-shirts and Alice prints for fundraising. He's supported us every year because of his dad. His father passed away this morning from PD complications.
I spent the afternoon with his dad on last year's Free Comic Book Day. He thanked us for what we do and told me how much it means to him to see us raise money through cartoons.
When I saw Richard last month, he also thanked us and told me how much TCDS efforts mean to his family.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Team Cul de Sac will be at SC Comicon March 21, 2015!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Team Cul de Sac's very own Carolyn Belefski
Support our friend and TCDS supporter Carolyn Belefski. I can't say enough about how her awesomeness inspires me!
Please support Carolyn Belefski and her Curls Kickstarter!
If you never have read CURLS, this is your chance!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Art of Richard Thompson short film to be in local festival
'Art of Richard Thompson': Filmmakers 'excited' as docu selected for first NoVa Film Festival
By Michael Cavna
Washington Post Comic Riffs blog February 25 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Frazz likes Richard Thompson
Thursday, January 29, 2015
New Eric Shansby painting for Team Cul de Sac
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
A carousel of goodies
Need a book, we have them
Support Team cul de Sac ,buy your books through these links!
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Friday, January 9, 2015
2015 MJFF donate page is live
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
A thank you for 2014
In 2014 we raised over $84,000.00 for the Michael J Fox Foundation in honor of our wonderful friend Richard Thompson. As always, we have some of the best friends in the world who continue to support this amazing charity. In less than 5 years we have now raised over $200,000.00.
Here are just a few but a very important few that Richard and I are glad to have on on our team.
- Mike
- Dave
- Fred
- Michael
- Shelton
- Seth
- Heather
- Shannon
- Craig
- Bono
- Amy
- Joe
- Peter
- Tim
- Jennifer
- Ed
- Rudy
- John
- Matt
- Barbara
- Carolyn
- Sam and her parents
- Teresa
- HeroesCon Drink and Draw Gang
Thank you for making 2014 so memorable.
Now for 2015! See you at Heroescon June 19th for Drink and Draw. Oh yeah, We will be celebrating 5 years of Team Cul de Sac that day and my 45th birthday! More drinking, more drawing and mets raise MORE MONEY!
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Friday, January 2, 2015
Richard Thompson is another positive on Tom Spurgeon's year-end roundup